On all platforms, Pages has gained improved publishing with two-page spreads, optimized images, and versioning, which should fill some of the gaps left by the fact that iBooks Author has been discontinued. Graph values can be played as audio tones for visually impaired iOS and iPadOS users too. The iPhone version of Pages supports dragging and dropping images and text from other apps into Pages, too, which is a new feature in iOS 15. The iPhone also has a Quick Format bar that lets you change things like paragraph styles, text formatting, alignment, and list styles. As you can see from the screenshot of one of Apple’s built-in templates, Screen View dispenses with the images allowing the user to focus on the text.
On the iPhone, Pages supports a new Screen View that makes editing on the smaller screen easier.
Quick View (center) focuses on the text of a document to make it easier to edit than the preview, which includes images (right).